Chapter 2 Toolkit: Climate Crisis

We're the Planeteers; You Can Be One, Too: The Threat of the Climate Crisis and Environmental Racism

What to Read

1 . The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here (Adapted for Young Adults)

2 . When the World Runs Dry: Earth’s Water Crisis by Nancy F. Castaldo

3 . A Bigger Picture: My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis by Vanessa Nakate

4 . How to Change Everything: The Young Human’s Guide to Protecting the Planet and Each Other by Naomi Klein Adapted by Rebecca Stefoff

5 . Down to Earth: Nature’s Role in American History by Ted Steinberg

What to Watch

1 . An Inconvenient Truth + An Inconvenient Sequel

2 . 2040 (Apple TV, Vudu)

3 . Our Planet (Netflix)

4 . When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts, Spike Lee

5 . The Story of Plastics, Deia Schlosberg

  • 6 . Cowspiracy, Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn

    7 . The True Cost, Andrew Morgan

Organizations to Support

1 . A Growing Culture

2 . Coal River Mountain Watch

3 . The Sunrise Movement

4 . Got Green

5 . WE ACT for Environmental Justice

  • 6 .

    7 . The Cool Effect

    8 . Louisiana Bucket Brigade

    9 . East Yard Communities For Justice

    10 . Climate Justice Alliance

    11 . Green for All

    12 . 5 Gyres Institute

What You Can Do

1 . Limit your use of single-use plastics and other products. 

2 . Instead of choosing bottled water, opt into drinking filtered water in a glass or your favorite reusable water bottle. 

3 . Choose brands support sustainability or incorporate a charitable giving model

4 . Do some research, choose your favorite sustainable/reusable options: ditch the coffee cup lids, paper/plastic plates, plastic forks, grocery bags, Keurig cups, etc. 

5 . Take inventory of the things around your house that use plastic containers and challenge yourself to find alternatives that reduce waste. There are bar shampoos and bar soaps, plastic-free deodorant dispensers, and even reusable silicone bags so that you can give up the ziplock bag waste.

  • 6 . Get creative and talk to your friends about what you’re doing so that they can be educated and thoughtful about their carbon footprint as well.

    7 . Watch your water use:  take shorter showers, don’t leave the sink running while you brush your teeth, opt in to buying environmentally friendly detergents, and avoid pouring oils, fats or solids down the sink, as they contaminate or valuable clean water. 

    8 . Reduce meat/animal product consumption. 

    9 . Use your voice! Being aware of the issues can help give you a voice. So, once you educate yourself on something, speak up and share the information that may help push for more systemic, widespread change. This can include posting on social media, discussing with friends and families, or campaigning for a specific environmental issue that is near and dear to your heart. Even if you can’t vote yet, learn more about what initiatives are being proposed and advocate for politicians that prioritize and align with policies that protect our environment.

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